An entrepreneur isn't someone who owns a business, its someone who makes things happen . And this matters a lot today . TEQUIP 2 sponsored Faculty Development programme on ENTREPRENEURSHIP is going now in our college which is sponsored by DST (Govt. Of Tamilnadu) , New Delhi and Faculty development cell of ACCET. This programme is from 8 th Feb to 21 st Feb and many Faculty members and students from various colleges and few of our ACCETians get benefited through this.
The best way to predict the future is to create it. Let's do it by learning from those who are benefited.


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering & CSE Association proudly present CBZ 2k15 to be conducted on 24 of February for CSE and IT Department students!!! A one day national level Tech Fest
Register @ www.cognoblaze.com
If you are a team of TWO join our....
(Paper Presentation)
Bring your ideas to the Real world with THREE per Team!
(Project Presentation)
Blaze yourself in our TECH STORM
List of other Events :
1. CBZ Geek
2. Unravel It
3. Cut the Guardian Knot
4. Web Anchor
5. Quiz Concours
6. Escurader
Inaddition ,comes our ESCAPADE and 2 more Online Events!
Also, don't miss to grab 10 interesting software packages on our symposium day with a brief description and working demo
Bag more exciting Prizes!!!
To get more info, visit www.cognoblaze.com
Feel free to call us...
Students Co-ordinators:
Gowtham: 9677729920
Rajkumar: 9677163146
ACCET,ISTE Students Chapter TN156
Proudly presents
Register @ www.istetn156.in/acistech
(Paper Presentation).
Bring your ideas to the Real world with THREE per Team in PROJ'EXPO.
Hit a Boundary Shot in our TECH STORM
1.Graphic Challenge
2.Auto CAD
3.Code UR DAY
4.Web Grafik
5.Aero Car
6.Virtual Circuitrix
In addition, comes GENERIX and plethora of Events!
Bag more exciting Prizes!!!To get more info, visit www.istetn156.in/acistech
Success isn't given. Its earned .On the track,on the field. With blood ,with sweat and occasional tears.
Finally the Inter year match fixture was announced by thevphysical education department which commences from 17.02.2016 to 29.02.2016 with 8 games for women and 11 games for men.
25 students from Mechanical department stamped
the ACCET marks in the National Go Kart
Design Challenge held at Coimbatore, with a tagline " wheels with
wings". The team cleared
I Technical Inspection
II Disasms
Turning Radius test, in their first attempt. Now the team is on track for their
next tasks.
After a long time, the entire campus had their first assesment test of the even semester on the same dates (10.02.2016- 12.02.2016). It has become very obvious that, ACCET is busy with books!!!
Its more essential to register than preparing for exams!!! The students paid their Exam fee for the academic curriculum on Monday and Tuesday.
Its more essential to register than preparing for exams!!! The students paid their Exam fee for the academic curriculum on Monday and Tuesday.
workshop for the third year ECE students was held on 6.2.16. It was based on
the topic, Networks and Security. Our alumni Mr. Tamil Selvan of the 1991-1994
batch, currently working as a managing director of "Vithura Secured
Com", took the class and enlighted the students with his knowledge. This
worshop is planned for the five consecutive weeks.
hall got a doubt whether college committee had changed it into a court .
Participants' enthusiastic performance in the Rotaract event "Virtual
Court" gave that effect last Monday. A case was taken by two teams, one
defensing the criminal and the other opposing it . The event helped the
participants a lot to analyse their communicative skills and presence of mind.
Department of COMPUTER SCIENCE conducted a five day Faculty Development Program from 1 to 5th February, 2016 on the topic, "Research issues in Computer Science and Engineering - Systematic and Scientific approaches". Research scholars from various Engineering colleges came and shared their research ideas. There were ten lectures in total.
ACCET was thrown into a great grief last Saturday at 5:30 pm as S.Mohana Sundaram of ECE department passed away due to heartfailure.He was a Diploma graduate and Placement coordinator, residing in Namakkal. At 11 am this monday, our college students with the Faculty members and HODs prayed for his soul to rest in peace.
NCC Camp
was conducted from 20 to 30th of January in NOIDA, UTTARPRADESH. The
selected candidates from all the states attended the camp. From Tamilnadu, a
total of 16 students were selected, out of which A. Vishwanath of second year
Mechanical department and V. Harish of third year EEE department were from our
college. A hearty congratulations to both of our students.
You are
awesome ! Don't question it ; just deal with it ! Love is not something you
find , it is something that finds you ! Add colors and lights to your life ,
feel a solace in loving a friend .. Have a happy valentine !
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