Product development workshop
Mr.Vijay krishna (2013 eee passout) is about to visit our campus along with two other zoho employees to take a live workshop on 6 th and 7 th of august.The session has already gained up hype among second and third years who are interested in software sector.MCA students have also enrolled themselves for the workshop. The basic requirement for attending the workshop is a laptop with internet connection.
EEE and ECE association
As a contribution to the college on their behalf, the 87-91 batch, who are celebrating their Silver Jubilee here on 6th and 7th of August, have built a fully air-conditioned placement cell. It will be declared open by Thiru R. Balakrishnan, IAS, on the first day of the celebration.
Asst.Prof.S.Senthilkumar pictured the Alumni contribution to ACCET and their constant support to students. With a sign of their work, Miss.E.D.Cyindhia (2012-2016) from Electronics and Communication Engineering branch is awarded as Best outgoing student with a gold coin satisfying the 14 main criterias after a tough competition.
ACCET NEWS team Congratulates her heartily.

The department of Civil Engineering t is also conducting a one week FDP on the topic "Ground Improvement Techniques" from 1st of August to 7th of August.
LEO club is taking great effort in moulding their members for the placement drive. As a part of it, they conducted the Apptitude session on monday(1st of August), in the gallery hall at 4:45pm. All the leo members enthusiastically participated and enriched their skills. In addition to that, co-ordinators were selected for the academic year 2016-2017.The competitive club of leo "ROTARACT CLUB" also is conducted its event under the name JOURN ACT today at gallery hall. The event was fun filled and benificial for the students who attended it.
Friends are the family which we choose by ourselves. There are no strangers here, only the friends you haven't yet met. So my dear buddies! Wish you a very happy friendship day. Special Sunday is awaiting. Share your sweet moments and collect more pleasant memories ... Have a blast with your crazy buddies !!
Third year, ECE Dept
S.Vidhya, 3rd year ECE
G.Karthika, 3rd year ECE
R.Swathy, 3rd year EEE
J.Vignesh, 3rd year ECE
A.Vignesh, 3rd year EEE
Monic princee, 3rd year EEE
C.J.Sai Sruthy, 3rd year CSE
N. Haamid Ali, 3rd year CSE
S. Mohan Krishnan, 3rd year MECH