Wednesday, 26th of October, was a day of bliss and enjoyment for the Computer Engineers. The intra sympo, DEFTERA 2k16, was a grand success, with the department beaming actively with the techies. The event,  which was organised in a few days after the International Conference, came out with flying colors by the coordinated effort of the Faculty and students. The second and third years actively participated in all the events while the final years organised all the events perfectly and in order. While Codelenza, Cut the Gordian knot, Refratu and Google it blew up our brains, the Fun events eased our minds by the new fun filled set of events. Finally,  the fun filled day ended by honouring the prize winners.


Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a one day seminar on the topic, Advanced Material and Manufacturing Process for Automobile and Airplane Applicants on 26th of October. Dr.  T. Ram, Scientist, National R & D Organisation, Bengaluru, graced the occasion with his knowledge treasure. 


College management has taken adverse steps in protecting ACCETIANS from Dengue fever. Under the advice of Dr.R.Keerthika, the students have been provided with an antiviral health syrup drink (Nilavembu kudineer) for the last three consecutive days from 24. 10. 2016 - 26. 10. 2016 in their respective hostels.
This syrup exhibits potent antiviral activity against viruses causing Dengue and Chikungunya fever.
Actions of Nilavembu:
*Antipyretic- Reduces fever and bring backs the normal body temperature
*Anti-inflammatory- controls infection caused by the pathogens.
*Analgesic- Relieves body aches.                           *Body cleansing- Detoxes the blood, liver and spleen for pathogenic endotoxins.


I'm glad to share about a two day International Conference organised by the Department of Civil Engineering on "Recent Development in Civil and Environmental Engineering - 16" sponsored by TEQIP - II. The conference was made more informative and an illuminating spark to the students was given by the refined Scholars, Dr.Moses Santhakumar, NIT Trichy, who talked about Intelligent Transportation System. Dr.Sudharshan Naidu Raman, National university of Malaysia talked about Application of Elastomeric Polymers in High rise buildings. Dr.Saddam M Ahmed, Mosul university Kirkuk, Iraq talked about the importance of beam column joint. Dr.Sanna Rathnavel, Director, SCEBA Consultancy Service, Madurai delivered a talk about Nanotechnology and our beloved Principal, S.Rajakumar presided over the conference and the Head of the Department, Prof.G. Paneerselvam welcomed the gathering. Also, students and faculty members from various institutions participated and submitted more than 20 research papers.
Article written by A. Vijayalakshmi,  Third Year, Civil Dept


22nd Saturday,l 2016 was fulfilled with Technical plays of ACCET techies . We had about 61 projects from various disciplines. Alumni and student relation empowered Thiran this time .  4 from civil , 4 from Mechanical , 17 from ECE and EEE , 26 ZOHO platform projects and 1 from CS came for the judgement panel. The occasion was spiced up with perfect judgement panel which screwed up the students. Around 15 alumni came all along their way and  visited our campus for Thiran judgement day and hats off for them .


Finally October comes to an end with thelighting festival Diwali or Deepavali, the Indian festival of lights, a festival that symbolises the victory of good over the evil or darkness prevailing within oneself. Lightening up the darkness of the Amavasya moon, this festival reinforces our bonding with our family members, friends and loved ones. This is one festival where people of all age groups, irrespective of color, creed and caste join hands and celebrate the festival. Diwali is celebrated by lighting earthen diyas or lamps, decorating the houses and bursting firecrackers. One of the relevant part of this festival is sending gifts to your loved ones. It is said that the celebrations remain incomplete if gifts are not exchanged between near and dear ones. Sending gifts to your loved ones in Diwali marks the prime essence of this auspicious occasion.
Happy diwali to all!!!



Everyone played hide and seek in their childhood. Have you ever seen a sea playing hide and seek??? yeah, this sea is located in Chandipur, 20km away from Bhuvaneshwar. A unique phenomenon rarely seen anywhere else, this sea recedes as much as five kilometers everyday, it not only enthrall the onlookers but also gives us the big oppurtunity to literally walk into the sea. The high and low tides of the sea was caused by gravitational force between earth and the moon. But in Chandipur the difference in high and low tides takes a long time, this causes the sea to disappear and then reappear. This mystery is also sloved, leaving a solid proof that human can find a solution to any kind of problem or disaster.


#Putting sugar on a cut or wound reduces pain and speed up the healing process.
#Hummingbirds are the only bird that can fly backwards.
#Diary cows give more milk when they listen to calming music. It also relaxes the cows and decreases stress levels.
#Your most active muscles are in your eye.
#The first place in the world to allow women to vote New Zealand.


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