Focus Academy for Career Enhancement lead a five days aptitude training for our Third year students from 15.12.2016 to 19.12.2016. It was sectioned into three major parts, logical,verbal and quants. Trainees from FACE, trained the students to a greater limit. Students attended the trainning session passionately. They encoraged the students to ask many questions. Overall the five days session was a brillient idea. It helped the students to exuberate their diligence. Hope our students get to use their skills to a maximum.
Call for speakers -
Have you ever wanted to be a part of Google? Here is the opportunity to be a part by becoming a Tech speaker @ Google Developer Groups, Coimbatore. Fill out the form and the short listed speakers will be given the marvellous opportunity to speak at GDG events. Feel free to contact Gokul Karthick, GDG Coimbatore Lead, +91 9003952333 for any queries.
Our students have been given umptious opportunities to go as interns in IITs. So far, 8 students are doing their intern in NITT, 2 in IITM and 4 in IITH. Students are eager to share their experience as soon as they reach to their own nest.
The season of joy, happiness, love and peace is here. The time to remember the birth of the saviour child is here. Yes!!! Christmas is round the corner. A festival celebrated by millions all over the world, Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, born to save the world from its sins and reconcile it to the Almighty God by shedding his blood in the cross. In addition to its religious touch, Christmas symbolises the season of sharing, both your material things and love.
"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Holy Bible, Luke 2:11-14.
Merry Christmas to all out there!!!!
Believed by many to be the most haunted forest in the world, Hoia Baciu in Transylvania is the setting for many unexplained, spooky tales. It also doesn’t help that the trees are bent and twisted in seemingly unnatural ways, giving the woods a horror movie feel.Several visitors to the Hoia Baciu have returned from their trip terrified, claiming that burns and rashes have appeared on their bodies for no apparent reason. Some even claim to have skipped a few hours during their exploration among the creepy trees. They have no explanation for why they cannot remember what happened during the ”missing” hours.Many people are truly convinced that ghostly apparitions hang around in the forest, and the locals absolutely refuse to set foot in it. Especially since rumors of floating heads and voices emanating from the darkness started making the rounds. It all seems to have started back in 1968 when Alexandru Sift took a photograph inside the forest of what many continue to believe was a UFO. Another persistent story tells of a shepherd venturing into the woods with 200 sheep, never to be seen or heard from again.Ongoing ghost hunts have turned up no clue as to what might be behind all the weird events taking place here, but paranormal experts are not giving up the ghost just yet when it comes to studying Hoia Baciu and revealing its creepy secrets to the world.
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