Our beloved Principal, Dr.Rajakumar retired officially on Jan 31,2017. The academic journey of such a great man came to a fine end. A small farewell party was arranged by the college staff for the beloved Principal at the legendary Murugappa hall.
What changed after he came to college :
The quote board of college which merely stood as a piece of iron rod came to life after he stepped in.He personally used to arrange the wordings to be written on the board.
ACCET gets older and wiser as days pass by.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a one day intra symposium, Fuel'17, on January 23. Our Mechanics were buzzing around our legendary Murugappa hall with their gadgets participating in exciting and fun thirst events.
A Lady's fingers can play an astonishing dance in your palms. Today (2.2.17), our girls showed off their creative minds in Mehandi contest as a part of the Rangeela Mega Event. Around 20 teams participated in this event
This talk was perhaps one of the most significant event this year. This event was not about techniques and tricks, but this was a kind of consolation for the buds.
A cake kick started this event and all were ready to go through the personal experience of the persona of this event, the host. With a brief introduction of the mightiness' of ideas, he continued the break-less pep talk. Then, he started sharing his personal experiences, some bizarre ones and some life changing. This way, he startled everyone through the fact that he had nothing but his ideas and his exquisite talent to form a group of people more talented than him. I guess the Ace (host) played his cards very well and won the crowd. The event ended with a snap shot of the Ace and his colleagues adding up this occasion to his college memories.
By Pradeep Kanna,
Final yr EEE dept.
As usual, thursday(today, 2.2.17) evening saw gallery hall being engaged by ROCA members. The event 'Random Extempore' provided the precious opportunity to all the participants. Yes, the stage with freedom of speech and audience.
Second students are actively taking part in the NSS Field works and the list of camp members is yet to be released.
Cancer awareness Quiz program was conducted by NSS on 1st of February in Trichy. Praveen. N of third year EEE and Ishwarya of second year EEE took part in that and won certificates.
Queuing up in the mega event month, ISTE is getting ready with pre preparations. Department wise paper presentation contest was conducted for all second year students.
Xprez and Rotaract team together turned the weekend into an useful one for the ACCETians by organizing a two day workshop on UX/UI on 28th and 29th of Jan, 17. Our alumnus Johnson of 2011-2015 batch visited our campus and took session. Students got an overview about UX/UI and learned 4th the of Photoshop.
Martyrs’ Day marks the death anniversary of our beloved Bapu, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Originally, the martyrdom of the soldiers who defended the sovereignty of the country during the freedom struggle was remembered on Republic Day, January 26, and this gave way to January 30. Prime Minister and Chiefs of the armed forces salute the martyrs at India Gate but also common men show their gratitude towards them by giving up their normal activities for some time and observing silence for 2 minutes. Following this, our former Principal, Dr.S.Rajakumar and the students of ACCET undertook an oath on untouchability and extended their gratitude in a peaceful silence in front of of Dr.Alagappa Chettiar statue at administrative block.
Hi Luxury lovers and electrical brainstorm(s) !!!
Warm SAEGCT Greetings!
SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS(SAE) of GCT,Covai, Cordially Welcomes you to the Magnificent techfest, AUTOVAULT'17
*A Journey into Automotive Electronics*
By Valeo
*Session 1:*
Comfort and Driving Assistance Systems in Automotive Passenger Cars.
Smart Antennas, Receivers, Smart Access Systems
*Session 2:*
Driving Assistance Systems – Detection (Sensors) and Vision (Camera Systems) with Demos and Videos.
Interior Controls – Switches, Controls, displays with Demos and Videos.
*Session 3:*
Role of Automobile, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers – Product design, Engineering Analysis and Process design.
FAQ, Q&A, Discussions with Students.
*Date:* 18-2-2017
*Time*: 9.30 am to 5.00pm
*REGISTRATION FEE* : Rs 500/- (including snacks and lunch)
Certificate will be given!
*SEATS:* 150 ONLY.
To register and payment:
*Contact details:*
Workshop Managers:
Vimal- 94 86 664385
Kurukshetra 2017 brings to you *Cloud Based Robots Workshop*, one of the awaited workshops in India.
We teach how to control a bot from *ANYWHERE* in the world by using your android mobile. Sky is our limit!!
Learn and build your *IoT based bot*.
*Where :* Kurukshetra'17
CEG, Anna University
*When :* February 1 & 2, 2017
*To register :* kurukshetra.org.in
*For more details :*
Anusha +91 95668 03642
Venkat +91 96773 31982
1. Vehicle designing and manufacturing- Bike and car
2. Transportation design by automotive industry designers
3. Electrical vehicle manufacturing
4. Aero designing and manufacturing
5. Engineering product design courses (CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, AUTOCAD,3Dx MAX)
6. Industrial robotics and fabrication
1. Vehicle designing and manufacturing- Bike and car
2. Transportation design by automotive industry designers
3. Electrical vehicle manufacturing
4. Aero designing and manufacturing
5. Engineering product design courses (CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, AUTOCAD,3Dx MAX)
6. Industrial robotics and fabrication
Registration open for all internship starts from Dec 10th 2016. Deadline for internship: Feb 2017 for early birds with discounts. Late registration deadline: April 1st.
Registration fee: 2000/- (inclusive of total course fee)- Visit website- http://skyriderautomotive.com/SummerInternship.aspx for details.
Events List in Summer Internship on Vehicle and Aircraft designing and Manufacturing, Bhubaneswar
1. Vehicle designing and manufacturing- Bike and car
2. Transportation design by automotive industry designers
3. Electrical vehicle manufacturing
4. Aero designing and manufacturing
5. Engineering product design courses (CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, AUTOCAD,3Dx MAX)
6. Industrial robotics and fabrication
1. Vehicle designing and manufacturing- Bike and car
2. Transportation design by automotive industry designers
3. Electrical vehicle manufacturing
4. Aero designing and manufacturing
5. Engineering product design courses (CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, AUTOCAD,3Dx MAX)
6. Industrial robotics and fabrication
Registration open for all internship starts from Dec 10th 2016. Deadline for internship: Feb 2017 for early birds with discounts. Late registration deadline: April 1st.
Registration fee: 2000/- (inclusive of total course fee)- Visit website- http://skyriderautomotive.com/SummerInternship.aspx for details.
The Hanging pillar
An important archaeological and historical site in India, Lepakshi is known for its architecture and painting. This temple dedicated to Lord Shiva is among the most mysterious places in India, owing to its famous floating pillar.
The Mystery: Among the 70 pillars at the site, one is hanging in mid-air, that is, it exists without a support. People come to the temple and pass objects under the pillar, believing it’ll bring prosperity into their lives!
The Theory: People believe it’s just another of the many genius tricks the temple builders of the old were capable of.
Thinking of February dawns upon us the that there is no official holiday. We will have to work everyday of this month without a rest. Yet, February marks some important days. February 2 is World Wetland Day. It marks the date of the signing of the Convention on Wetlands, called the Ramsar Convention, on 2 February 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea. February 4 is World Cancer Day to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection and treatment. It is being organized by WHO with the theme "We can I can". International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation falls on 6th to raise awareness about the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and to promote its eradication. It is being organized by UNICEF. The motive is to achieve the new Global Goals through the elimination of Female Genital Mutilation by 2030. February 7 is a tribute to the Indian Army. It is the 68th ‘Nowshera Day’, celebrated to honour the sacrifice of jawans who sacrifice their lives while fighting against Pakistani enemy at the border line town of Nowshera in 1947. UN organized International Day of Women and Girls in Science falls on 11th to highlight female achievement, equal access and participation in the science field. The World Radio Day falls on 13th of February to remember the contribution of radio in our life. Next comes the most thrilling day in the life of a youngster. There is no person alive who isn't aware of the Valentine day which falls on February 14. It's supposed to be a day when we pay special attention to the people we love. It's an especially important day in romantic relationships, although there are Valentine's cards for parents, children, friends and pretty much anybody. World Day of Social Justice comes on February 20 to promote efforts to tackle issues such as poverty, exclusion and unemployment. Next comes International Mother Language day on 21st. UN, UNESCO jointly organised to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. WAGGGS(World Association For Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) is organising World thinking day. It is a day when they think about their “sisters” (and “brothers”) in all the countries of the world, the meaning of Guiding, and its global impact. To encourage the employees of excise department to carry out the central excise duty all over the India in better way in order to prevent the corruption, GOI organised Central Excise Day is celebrated on 24th. At last comes National Science Day organized by GOI to commemorate the discovery of Raman Effect by Sir C.V.Raman in 1928. Now I hope nobody will tell that February doesn't have any important days.
* We cant snore and dream at the Same time.
* If pinokio says "my nose will grow now" it would cause a paradox.
* Fear of fun is cherophobia.
* An average human eats 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders while sleeping.
* A single cloud weights about 1 million pounds.
* 9 out of 10 Americans are deficient in potassium.
* A hippo's wide mouth can fit a 4 foot tall child in.
* Crocodile can't poke its tongue out.
* It is physically impossible for the pigs to look up the sky.
* 95% of people text things they could never say in person.
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