Success does not lie in ' Results', but in 'Efforts'. For all the efforts and service made through out the year, it's the pride day. Yup! The Valediction of Rotaract Club of ACCET (ROCA) was held on 13th April, 2017. Rotary president Rtn. PHF. AR. Palaniappan presided over the function. Our beloved patron Dr. A. Elango felicitated the gathering. Excellence is doing the ordinary things in extra ordinary way. Standing out the crowd, S. Jeyanth of second year Mechanical won" Star of the Year " award. And most importantly, Investiture of new office bearers, drew the attention of all. ROCA president Rtr. S. Senthil Krishna shared his experiences, wishes and whole heartedly handed it over.
Success does not lie in ' Results', but in 'Efforts'. For all the efforts and service made through out the year, it's the pride day. Yup! The Valediction of Rotaract Club of ACCET (ROCA) was held on 13th April, 2017. Rotary president Rtn. PHF. AR. Palaniappan presided over the function. Our beloved patron Dr. A. Elango felicitated the gathering. Excellence is doing the ordinary things in extra ordinary way. Standing out the crowd, S. Jeyanth of second year Mechanical won" Star of the Year " award. And most importantly, Investiture of new office bearers, drew the attention of all. ROCA president Rtr. S. Senthil Krishna shared his experiences, wishes and whole heartedly handed it over.
The dignitaries were honored with shawls. Then, the students from various departments were rewarded with prizes as a recognition for their outstanding achievements on their respective works. Finally the vote of thanks was presented and the occasion was winded up with National Anthem.
The EEE association held their valedictory function on april 12 of 2017. The function started at 4 PM with the blessing of Dr.Alagappa in murugappa hall. The function started with Tamil Thai valthu following which Professor and Head of the department, Prof. Jebasalma welcomed the gathering. Then our beloved principal Dr. A. Elango was given a momento, and he gave the veladictory address inspiring the gathering. Then the annual report was announced by the secretary of EEEA.
After that prizes were distributed for those who achieved in Think quest ( intra college symposium). Then the office bearers for the next year EEEA was announced by our secretary. P. Pradeep (3 rd year EEE)was elected as secretary of the upcoming year. At last, the vote of thanks was given by our joint secretary P.Pradeep (3 Rd year). And the occasion was winded up with national anthem.
After that prizes were distributed for those who achieved in Think quest ( intra college symposium). Then the office bearers for the next year EEEA was announced by our secretary. P. Pradeep (3 rd year EEE)was elected as secretary of the upcoming year. At last, the vote of thanks was given by our joint secretary P.Pradeep (3 Rd year). And the occasion was winded up with national anthem.
The sight of the ultimate day had come into every Leos in the form of of valediction. The function formally started at 5 PM on 11th of this month in the presence of Chief guest, Dr. A. Elango(The principal) and Dr. Leo Nataraj and all the fellow leos who witnessed the invocation, Leo pledge, ceremonial speeches, presidential address and felicitations with gratitude and mirth. Then the certificates for the coordinators of ( 2k16-2k17) were given by Dr. A. Elango and the investiture of new office barrier were done by the Leo president, Leo T. Pradeep in the presence of the Principal. Best Leo award was given to Leo Sugirtha Teresa of third year EEE and best active Leo were given to Abraham of third year Mechanical on behalf of our Leo club by Our beloved Principal. Then the tentative plan for the upcoming year were shown. Then the memorial of 100th Leo president T. Pradeep gave a new batch to Leo nataraj. At last the vote of thanks given by the upcoming Leo president N.Praveen Kumar (EEE 3rd year).GENERAL ARTICLE
The day which preserves the dedication and whole hearted passion about two events is said to be the good Friday /Tamil new year which falls on April 14. Good Friday is the friday comes before easter Sunday. It commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It reminds the death of Jesus at calvary and it is the joyful celebration of the resurrection of jesus.
Another fascinating event which falls on the same day is the tamil new year. It is the first day of year on the tamil calendar. The festival date is set with the solar cycle of lunisolar Hindu calendar ,as the first day of the tamil month "chithirai". Following the vernal equinox or the mesha sankaranti, this date should have been somewhere nearer March, but it is now celebrated in the traditional Hindu month of chaitra according to gregorian calendar.
World is about to be told that ALIENS EXIST and are HERE on EARTH.
GLOBAL governments are preparing the world for an imminent announcement that intelligent aliens exist and are already here on Earth, it has astonishingly been alleged.
The claim is made by lobby group, The Disclosure Activists, a new international consortium trying to force the alleged truth about aliens out into the open.
Conspiracy theorists have claimed for years that aliens have been visiting Earth and the world leaders are aware, but it has been kept from the public under an alleged "truth embargo" amid fears of the impact it would have on religion and the rule of law.
But now, The Disclosure Activists claim that the number of recent UFO file declassifications, means the lid is about to come off once and for all. In a statement, the organisation said "the historical stance of widespread denial and misinformation has shifted". Recently there is a systematic effort from within the US and other world governments to release this information to the public.
Victor Viggiani, the senior strategic adviser to organisation, added: "All of the evidence that has been accumulated by researchers and the military witness testimony, and those acquired from declassified government documents over the last 70 years points to three very basic conclusions — the planet Earth has been and is being engaged by off-world civilisations.
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R.Vinoth Kumar,2nd yr mech. |
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K. G. Dhinesh Kumar, 3rd year CS |
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M.Manikandhan, 2nd year EEE |
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