The Murugappa hall was adorned by our mother tongue on muthamizh mandram occasion dated on 12.9.17. The hall was cram-fulled by the first year and final year. The heritage based occasion festived everyone on the hall. The charisma of ACCET spotlighted the hall. The event was enticed by the presence of Mr.Lakshmana perumal. The occasion was initiated by lit the lamp. subsequently dance lured everyone. The invigorous speech of orators based on the topic of "வளர்ந்து வரும் மாற்றங்கள் சமூகத்திற்கு வலிமை சேர்ப்பவையா...வலிகள் சேர்ப்பவையா...."reverberated in every nook and corner of the hall. The speech promulgated the pious of our mother tongue to every ACCETIANS. Finally the prizes were distributed to the winners.
In our esteemed institution ACCET, SYSBIZ, an software compay, had paid a visit as a part of recruitment process. First round was based on general apps and the rest was technical round. After the filteration process , 7 students were qualified to attended the HR interview. The students are ready with all their agility and expectations, for this recruitment.
Even for the great talents there is in need of stimulation by the greatest personality. Hence for the development of ACCETIANS our alumnus Mr.Ragunathan and eight other alumnus have taken a big step by their interest . This strategic event was delivered in terms of CAREER GUIDANCE PROGRAMME on September 16 & 17.It includes personality type questioner,aptitude test, career guidance, group discussion, resume preparation, personal interview etc , This is especially for final year , third year students because it is right time to decide and to develop themselves in a widespread view. Make hay while the sun shines - grap the opportunity when it comes.
In our networking era , we need to develop ourselves to explore the computing world. Mr.VIJAYKRISHNA , the ZOHO PERSONNEL ,2013 passed out (EEE) has taken the class about web application on September 9 & 10. He explains about the most important languages like HTML, JAVASCRIPT. He delivered the crystal clear points about the project description and the students who was gathered in the hall were gained basic concept of what they have to do & how they need to proceed . People who lacks clarity to follow their own dreams will often find ways to discourage oneself or by others . As a fact he clear the fellow minds with clarity.
In our preeminent institution ACCET, the workshop on CRYPTOGRAPHY will be held on 15.9.2017. Our courteous alumni, Mr.N.Gowri Shankar will be handling the session. A decent crowd is expected to indulge themselves in this workshop. This innovative session will definitely give new ideas that are going to be a part of our career.
10:00 AM: Intro to Cryptology, ... + Demo
10:30 AM: Caesar Cipher + Hands on activity
11: 00 AM: Vigenere Cipher + Hands on activity
11: 30 AM: Binary Arithmetic (Includes Hands-on)
11: 45 AM: Why Encryption & Decryption is needed with an example
12:00 Noon: PRG + Hands on activity
12.30 PM: Key Exchange + Hands on activity
1.15 PM: Lunch Break
2.15 PM: Re-cap & Questions
2.30 PM: Prime co-factors calculation - Hands-on
3.00 PM: Calculate "Power-of" huge numbers
3.30 PM: Message Digest & MAC
4.00 PM: Asymmetric Key (Tentative --> Depending on time availability)
4.30 PM: Questions, Re-cap & Closure of session
To express our ideas & talents, there must be a correct platform to execute. As a concern of it, we are gifted with the best platform THIRAN . The first review was held on 13/09/17 by the THIRAN OGCs to the project handlers. By the observation, many mentors are guiding their project mates in a right path. As this review helps the students to understand more about their projects.
A perfect opportunity for ideas to make an impact, here's the Skill Submit contest for the colleges. The participants have to carve puy their creative ideas and implement them to make the innovative impact.The best ideas will be awarded cash prizes. All students have to post their ideas on their site by 26th of September.
This time ,the event SCATTER BRAINISM reached the first year in good rate.The event includes more than 8 sub events. The sub events were full of fun related and which enhances our skills and knowledge.It proves their ability to acquire knowledge and skills and it also denotes the team work which made them to win.Team work denotes their capacity which reveals understanding, logics and self awareness. The winners of the event were priced with amount.They delivered a fb page event which brings more enthusiastic among the freshers to take part in clubs and events.
Rotaract club conducted it's OS installation session at the gallery hall , hosted by Vignesh of final year ECE dept. With the need to know the basics of system, and preventing your selves from screwing it up, he drifted the session with ease ,about the installation.
At the end of the session all were supplied with the backup setup files of windows OS.
Many of us will be aware of the fact that September 8 will be celebrated as WORLD LITERACY DAY. This day was declared by UNESCO in 1965. It will be observed by all UN member states. The main objective here is to give the individuals the importance towards literacy.
Usually literacy rate directly relates to poverty where the countries who have a low literacy rate will be well versed by the term poverty in general.
When British left our land, our literacy rate was just 12%. It was nearly a mere disaster at that stage. As I had mentioned earlier poverty directly relates with the literacy rate, here the same logic prevails in India also. Poverty was outgrowing all over India causing a serious threat to our country. In order to tackle these problems many steps had been taken at the centre to abolish poverty which will have a direct effect on literacy rate. Even the judiciary comes into play to a larger extent. In 2001, Supreme court ordered all the states to implement a scheme called MID DAY MEAL SCHEME which was actually a scheme that was introduced in Tamil Nadu at that time. It was a great tactics at that time for attracting education among students along with the prolonged vision of abolishing poverty.
At present our literacy rate is around 75% whereas our stand is below the average world literacy rate which stands at around 85%. Even gender inequality prevails here where two thirds among the illiterates counts to women in general.
Many of us answer will be YES by considering our transformation from 12% to around 75%. But the real situation is in such a way that India currently has the largest population of illiterate adults in the world (considering the population here) with around 280 million. This is simply around 35% of the global total. We have emerged well but still a long way to go to reach our ultimate destination.
Nanda kumar ,
Final year.
3rd year.
3rd year.
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