The feast day embarked on ACGCET girls hostel. The flavor of food charm the girls for 2 days and the cultural activities of girls cherished the girls on the evening. On the very first day the students taste the flavor of lunch and the second day the students will ferver to taste the breakfast and dinner.
Among the NSS volunteers, Selvan S.A.PRASATH who is pursuing his third year B.E.,(EEE) has been selected for participation in the NSS "REPUBLIC DAY PARADE CAMP 2018" at RAJPATH, NEW DELHI to be held on 26.01.2018. His historic achievement made our college to reach a greater height.
For the benefit of ACGCET students, our college had sponsored 7 lenovo systems in the library to make our student's life glory. By using this splendid opportunity, doubts regarding to curriculum and other information based on studies can be cleared easily. The students are allowed to access this free internet connection only during this specified time (10 am to 12.30 pm) and (3 to 5 pm).As per the rules, pendrives and cd's are prohibited. The students can definitely whip into shape by utilising this technique.
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Many people throughout India celebrate the nation's Republic Day, which is a gazetted holiday on Jan 26 th each year. It is a day to remember when India's constitution came into force on January 26, 1950, completing the country's transition toward becoming an independent republic.Republic Day represents the true spirit of the independent India. Military parades, displays of military equipment and the national flag are important symbols on this date. India's national flag is a horizontal tricolor of deep saffron (kesaria) at the top, white in the middle and dark green at the bottom in equal proportion. The ratio of the flag's width to its length is two to three. A navy-blue wheel in the center of the white band represents the chakra. Its design is that of the wheel which appears on the abacus of the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka. Its diameter approximates to the white band's width and it has 24 spokes.There are many national and local cultural programs focusing on the history and culture of India. Children have a special place in these programs. Many children receive gifts of sweets or small toys. A prime minister's rally also takes place around this time of the year, as well as the Lok Tarang – National Folk Dance Festival, which occurs annually from Jan 24-29.A grand parade is held in New Delhi and the event starts with India's prime minister laying a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate, to remember soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their country. India's president takes the military salute during the parade in New Delhi while state governors take the military salutes in state capitals. A foreign head of state is the president's chief guest on Republic Day. Awards and medals of bravery are given to the people from the armed forces and also to civilians. Helicopters from the armed forces then fly past the parade area showering rose petals on the audience. School children also participate in the parade by dancing and singing patriotic songs. Armed Forces personnel also showcase motorcycle rides. The parade concludes with a "fly past" by the Indian Air Force, which involves fighter planes of flying past the dais, symbolically saluting the president. These leave trails of smoke in the colors of the Indian flag.
GATE in Trichy announced the technical talent test for B.E / B.TECH students. The students who are willing to attend the exam can use this opportunity and the institution announce the net bounty of 60,000 for winners....
Grab this ACGCETIANS...
One day district level study camp conducted by YRC team at Devakottai. Four students from our college have participated at Sree Sevugan Annamalai University. This reveals that everything should have a participation and it relates "Nothing attempted ,Nothing gained"
1.Females are the ones that bite and transmit disease.
2.Aedes aegypti strike during the day.
3.Aedes aegypti are becoming resistant to insecticide.
4.Aedes aegypti love your home just as much as you do.
5.Aedes aegypti are highly invasive.
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