"Theories are just words, when they are not practically used". Electrical and Electronics Engineering department of our ACGCET has conducted workshop on"Embedded programming" for the pre-final year students . It was held on 10th and 11th of this month (August). The session started with the inspiring speech by Dr.K.Baskaran , Head of the EEE department.
The workshop was conducted by two faculties , Ms.Charumathi and Mr.Gautham from Yukthi Foundation ,who made this workshop into real hands-on- training session. The first day was an introduction to Mikro C and Proteus software which is used for embedded systems. The second day came with an training to write user interfacing programs for the real time applications. Overall ,the workshop helped the students to gain more knowledge about microcontrollers and real time embedded system.
VI Microsystems ,Chennai offers workshop for the students of Electronics and communication Engineering to improve the knowledge of programming and technical competencies about Arduino . It was conducted by members of VI Microsystems Mr.R.Jetlin and Mr.V Sakthianand.This software session has been taken for third years and finals years of ECE for two days .This workshop will enable us to understand and articulate about the digital medium,the work for our business and product.
As a fresh blossom this week started with admissions for freshers. Students from various places are merged together in our college. The admission process started on August 13 for Electrical and Mechanical Departments followed by ECE, Civil and CSE departments on August 14. Then after a break of one day for Independence day, today they were welcomed to our family. Thus the fresher's orientation program was conducted this Thursday (August 16). This was inaugurated by a sequence of speeches provided by all department HOD's, followed by our Principal, Dr.A.Elango and Vice principal, Dr.L.Ganesan. This speech provided a clear view of our college and its fame. Then two passed out students of 2014-2017 batch, Ms.Swathy Rajaram and Mr.M.Ilamugil were awarded "Best outgoing student" for their excellence in Co-curricular and extra curricular activities and students who excel in Maths were also awarded for encouragement. Following this a startup speech was provided by the President of Fresher's club and videos about our college were screened. Finally the 1st year students were taken a short journey around our college by Freshers friends for familiarity. This massive work was accomplished by Fresher's team of ACGCET, thanks to them.
Whatever may be your technical skills, the way you present your views on the field matters. To shoot up this skill in our students an event named "Prezento" was conducted by LEO club of ACGCET this week. This event was particularly organized to preach the nooks and corners of presenting a ppt. In addition to this they also taught the steps to create a professional mail id and resume. This helped the students to gain excellence and they actively participated in this event.
The partition of Punjab in 1947 in mid-august 1947 took place as part of as a negotiated settlement brokered by the British between the Indian national congress , the All India Muslim league and Sikh of Punjab to partition India and transfer power to India and Pakistan. The principle on which the India and Pakistan separated was that Muslim majority areas were separated from the rest of India and Pakistan. The demand to partition was made by the main communal party of the Muslims, the All India Muslim league. It insisted that Muslims were not a minority but a separate nation by virtue of their Islamic faith and culture. On June 3 1947 the partition plan was announced which required the Punjab and Bengal assemblies to vote in favor of partitioning their provinces. Every year Islamic republic of Pakistan celebrates its independence on 14th August. But How many of you know ? The man who was behind India and Pakistan partition had never seen the country. Even when Pakistan and India achieved Independence , till Aug 17,there was no announcement on the borders of two countries . The man who was set the boundary lines for the India and Pakistan was Cyril john Radcliffe, the British lawyer and Landlord. He was given the daunting task of the chairmanship of two boundary committees of drawing the borders for the nations of India and Pakistan, such a way that would leave as many Hindus and Sikhs in India and Muslims in Pakistan as possible. British government had given the responsibility of dividing Punjab and Bengal province between the union of India and dominion of Pakistan to sir John Radcliffe. He was commissioned to equitably divide 4,50,000 sq km of territory with 88 million people. The estimated loss of life during the India and Pakistan partition in one million. For the Punjab alone, the loss of life is estimated between 500,000-800,000 and 10 million people were forced to flee for their lives. Radcliffe had no complete information about the geography of India. On the basis of maps, castes and religions , Radcliffe divided the two nations. British Govt had given him only 5 weeks to complete the daunting task. On the day of partition Bengal’s Muslim dominated areas of Murshidabad and Malda had put Pakistani flags in their houses, but they later came to know that were parts of India. Chittagong , with only 2% of Muslim population went to Pakistan.
1.The Golden poison drat frog's has enough toxin to kill 100people.
2.The tarantula can live without food for more than two years.
3.A single cloud can weight more than one million pounds.
4.The titanic was the first ship to use the S.O.S signal.
5.A 2010 study found that 48 percent of soda fountain contained fecal bacteria, and 11percent contained E.coli.
6.Pirates wore earrings because they believed that it improves their eyesight.
7.The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body.
8.You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.
9.The founders of Google were willing to sell Google for 1million doller to excite in 1999,but excite turned over down.Google is now worth 527 Billion dollars.
10.111,111,111x 111,111,111=12,345,678,987,654,321.
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P.VIGNESH;EEE-3rd yr |
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S.DHIVYA;CSE-3rd yr |
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