Finally, we are heading to the shores of the long odd semester. The semester started with different inauguration functions, followed by events, symposiums and IV. And now its time for exam fever. Students have just finished their practicals and are in study holidays awaiting semester exams. Most of us would have completed 2 or 3 exams next week, by this time. Good luck folks!
To this day, no one knows his real name but on Nov. 24, 1971, everyone in America was talking about the mysterious man who called himself D.B. Cooper. That day, Cooper hijacked Northwest Airlines Flight 305 and its 36 passengers using a briefcase that he said contained a bomb. "We will ask you to stay there until we get coordinated with our friend in the back," the pilot told the control tower after the plane landed in Seattle.Once $200,000 and several parachutes were delivered per Cooper's request, he demanded the plane fly him to Mexico. He also asked for the rear door to remain unlocked and the plane to be flown low and slow.Cooper clearly had a plan, although officials didn't realize what it was until it was too late. While the plane flew to Reno, Nev. (ostensibly for a refueling stop), Cooper parachuted into the night.Despite the fact that law-enforcement officials in five different planes were tailing the jetliner, no one witnessed the jump.Though the FBI contends that Cooper couldn't have survived, it released new composite sketches in 2007 in hopes of closing the case.
1. Saturn's moon Titan has plenty of evidence of organic (life) chemicals in its atmosphere.
2. Oxygen is circulated around the helmet in space suits in order to prevent the visor from misting.
3. If you fell into a black hole, you would stretch like spaghetti.
4. The opposite of black holes are estimated to be white holes which spray out matter and light like fountains.
5. Astronauts say that, space smells like hot metal, welding fumes and seared steak.
6. 275 million new stars are born every day according to estimates of astronomers.
7. Day on Earth is shortened by 1.8 microseconds, by 2011 Japan earth quake.
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