Everyone is familiar with 'THIRAN', a grand platform for innovative ideas of students taken over by our college alumni. Thiran 2k19 held a few weeks ago had its prize distribution on 23rd February. This year prize distribution was much more awaited due to the special rewards such as Special jury award and Regina papa award. Day initiated with project demos. Following this, the day's chief guest Mr.Vasanthan, our alumni Mr.Palaniappan and Mr.Senthil Anantha Prakash and our professor Mr.Natarajan delivered their valuable speech and revolutionary ideas. Every department was given with cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes and special awards with cash prizes of 5000 and 1000. Afternoon section was comprised of various alumni sharing their life experience and ups and downs. This very movement induced great pleasure.
It has been a year since the Afrostarz have been around. Last Friday (22.01.2019) they came back for their Graduation day. Graduation days are so much about nostalgia, pride and overwhelming tears of joy. Murugappa hall witnessed all those emotions last week.
The event was presided over by our college principal Dr.A.Elango. He delivered the report while our honourable chief guest Prof.Dr.Ramesh Sharan presented the convocation address and distributed the medals and certificates to the students who are now officially Engineers.
Cheers to their successful life ahead!
Like every other year our college CSE department hosted Cognoblaze, a TEQIP-III sponsered one day National level technical symposium. It had participants coming from various colleges. The grand symposium was held on 25th of February(Monday). They conducted many online events like clickz, escapade(online treasure hunt) and poster designing competition. There were also many technical and non technical events.
The beginning of this great occassion was presided over by our beloved principal Dr.A.Elango and made special by our chief guest G.Kathirvelan, Digital transform lead at TCS, who is also our college Alumni. The participants took active participation and bagged their prizes. The event was a grand success.
Coming together is a beginning,working together is a success.Here comes department of Mechanical Engineering organizes a National level technical symposium on Feb 28th in the entitle SHACKLES 2K19.Our beloved principal Dr.A.Elango presided over the function .Our honourable chief guest Dr.V.Ramachandran,Professor of Mechanical department ; Sri Venkateshwara college of engineering and technology , Chennai and also our alumini of 1994 batch deliver a magnificent oration for the arrived dignitaries.Our respectable Dr.Malayalamurthi,head of the department welcomed the gathering. All the mechons gave a beautiful presence on this day .Many technical and fun events were conducted to spark the knowledge of participants.The day ends in a predominant manner.
1. The second largest pool of engineers and scientists is from India.
2. The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.
3. No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple.
4. It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it.
5. A rat can last longer without water than a camel.
6. There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos!
7. The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is "uncopyrightable"!
Everyone is familiar with 'THIRAN', a grand platform for innovative ideas of students taken over by our college alumni. Thiran 2k19 held a few weeks ago had its prize distribution on 23rd February. This year prize distribution was much more awaited due to the special rewards such as Special jury award and Regina papa award. Day initiated with project demos. Following this, the day's chief guest Mr.Vasanthan, our alumni Mr.Palaniappan and Mr.Senthil Anantha Prakash and our professor Mr.Natarajan delivered their valuable speech and revolutionary ideas. Every department was given with cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes and special awards with cash prizes of 5000 and 1000. Afternoon section was comprised of various alumni sharing their life experience and ups and downs. This very movement induced great pleasure.
It has been a year since the Afrostarz have been around. Last Friday (22.01.2019) they came back for their Graduation day. Graduation days are so much about nostalgia, pride and overwhelming tears of joy. Murugappa hall witnessed all those emotions last week.
The event was presided over by our college principal Dr.A.Elango. He delivered the report while our honourable chief guest Prof.Dr.Ramesh Sharan presented the convocation address and distributed the medals and certificates to the students who are now officially Engineers.
Cheers to their successful life ahead!
Like every other year our college CSE department hosted Cognoblaze, a TEQIP-III sponsered one day National level technical symposium. It had participants coming from various colleges. The grand symposium was held on 25th of February(Monday). They conducted many online events like clickz, escapade(online treasure hunt) and poster designing competition. There were also many technical and non technical events.
The beginning of this great occassion was presided over by our beloved principal Dr.A.Elango and made special by our chief guest G.Kathirvelan, Digital transform lead at TCS, who is also our college Alumni. The participants took active participation and bagged their prizes. The event was a grand success.
Coming together is a beginning,working together is a success.Here comes department of Mechanical Engineering organizes a National level technical symposium on Feb 28th in the entitle SHACKLES 2K19.Our beloved principal Dr.A.Elango presided over the function .Our honourable chief guest Dr.V.Ramachandran,Professor of Mechanical department ; Sri Venkateshwara college of engineering and technology , Chennai and also our alumini of 1994 batch deliver a magnificent oration for the arrived dignitaries.Our respectable Dr.Malayalamurthi,head of the department welcomed the gathering. All the mechons gave a beautiful presence on this day .Many technical and fun events were conducted to spark the knowledge of participants.The day ends in a predominant manner.
1. The second largest pool of engineers and scientists is from India.
2. The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.
3. No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple.
4. It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it.
5. A rat can last longer without water than a camel.
6. There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos!
7. The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is "uncopyrightable"!
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