In the COVID-19 pandemic situation the educational institutes were closed from 17.03.2020. The educational institutions and hostels have been identified as quarantine centres in case of emergency. So the semester examinations are postponed.  In that case the department of higher education have requested the educational institutions to conduct the semester in the beginning of next academic year. When the college opens the examinations will be conducted without any breaks. If necessary examinations can be conducted in two sessions . The reopening date will be announced later. 

Let’s start to prepare for examinations in quarantine! 


MHRD Innovation Cell(MIC) is organizing "Leadership Talk Series" with Dr.Abhay Jere,Chief Innovation Officer, MHRD. Interesting discussions are carried out with various resource persons on different topics. It is a Twitter live from 11:00 am according to the schedule. Faculties and Students from our college are also actively participating in this innovative measure. It is really a great step in this lock down period and we request everyone to participate in this talk. Twitter @abhayjere



Govt of India reported that India is only at the 2nd stage of transmission and scientists warned that it India may not be able to control the situation if it goes to the 3rd stage of transmission since it has the second highest population in the world. Looking at the Corona Curve of India it looks steeper than its Asian peers Japan, Indonesia etc.. So if the curve continues to grow in that rate it will definitely be a major problem for India as it have the ratio of 1:1457(doctor to person ratio).Indian state Kerala have successfully flattened its curve as the number of recovered cases is higher than the no of active cases. It was confirmed by the Kerala financial minister in twitter. Mumbai holds the highest no of active cases (1896) in India.


India extended its lock down till May 3, 2020. Government of India also said that some exceptions can be made in some areas based on their tackling projects on Corona and also based on no of active cases. After, April 20 some activities like farming, movement of Cargo and IT companies with 50% of its employees and some other activities is allowed to remain active as quoted by Government. This lock down with no doubt severely hit people in lower middle class and the people below the poverty line. They are requesting government to provide some basic needs since due to this lock down they are earning nothing because most of them are daily wage workers. Let’s hope government will take care of each and everyone of them.
We can also extend our helping hands to them by giving them some things which satisfies their basic needs. Take care of our Animal friends.
                                      -Mother Teresa 



Creating future by providing things than expected!
Buying and selling of goods and services on the internet is called e-commerce . E-commerce concerns on online retailing, electronic markets and online auctions. There are 4 types in e-commerce,
  •          B2C - Business to customers
  •          C2C – customer to customer
  •          C2B – customer to business
  •          B2B – business to business

The main benefits of e-commerce are better customer service, low cost for startup, easy selection of products from various providers, no need to travel etc.,  Also it overcomes the geographical limitations and provide lot of information about the products which is helpful in shopping comparatively.
Especially in the pandemic of COVID-19 lock down was established and extended till may 3,2020. During this lock down period e-commerce plays an important role in whole sales and retailing. In the extended phase of lock down e-commerce will help in generating the revenue and demand while following social distancing. The internet and mobile association of India ensured to facilitate delivery from producers and sellers. But there are restrictions for online medicines.


April 17-World Haemophilia Day:
 Every year on 17 April World Haemophilia day is recognised world wide to increase awareness of Haemophilia, Von Willebrand disease and the other inherited bleeding disorders. April 17,2020 is the 30th anniversary of World Haemophilia day! The longevity of this celebration is proof of the dedication and tight-knit nature of our community.

April 18-World Heritage Day:

The International Day for Monuments and Sites also known as World Heritage day is an international observance held on 18 April each year around the world with different types of activities, including visits to monuments and heritage sites, conferences etc.

April 21-World Creativity and Innovation Day:

 World Creativity and Innovation day is a global UN day celebrated on April 21 to raise awareness about the importance of creativity and innovation in problem solving with respect to advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals known as Global goals.

April 21-Civil Services Day:
The Government of India celebrates every year as 'Civil Service Day' as an occasion for the civil servants to rededicate themselves to the cause of citizen and renew their commitments to public service and excellence in work.

April 22-Earth Day:

Earth day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. This year, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of this day. On Earth Day, enjoy the lovely scent of fresh air, plant a tree or simply enjoy companionship with nature.

April 23-World Book Day:

World Book day also known as World Book and Copyright day is an annual event organized by the UNESCO to promote Reading, Publishing and Copyright. It is an occasion to pay a tribute to books and authors and to encourage people to discover the pleasure of Reading.

 According to a study by BBC, North Korea and Cuba are the only places you can't buy Coca-Cola.

The hottest chili pepper "Dragon's Breath Chili Pepper" is so hot that could kill you.

While four babies are born on Earth every second, it's estimated that around two people pass away at the same time.

There are more than 24 time zones around the world. Each time zone was 1 hour apart and they differ by an offset of 30 to 45 minutes.

All the ants on Earth weigh about as much as all the humans.

Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted, Facebook has more users than the population of the U.S., China, and Brazil combined.

It's estimated that Sweden has more islands than any other country with 221,800 islands.


1)In a 100 metres race, A can beat B by 10 metres and B can beat C by 5 metres. In the same race, A can beat C by
A) 14.5 metres
B) 14 metres
C) 15.5 metres
D) 15 metres

2)If the number of boys in a class is 8 times the number of girls in the same class, which value can never be the total number of students in the class?
A) 42
B) 81
C) 27
D) 45

3)A clock strikes 4 taking 9 seconds. In order to strike 12 at the same rate, the time taken is
A) 30 seconds
B) 27 seconds
C) 33 seconds
D) 36 seconds

4)If 25th of August in a year is Thursday, the number of Mondays in that month is
A) 2
B) 5
C) 3
D) 4

5)In how many ways can 7 different balls be distributed in 5 different boxes if any box can contain any number of balls and no box is left empty?
A) 19700
B) 12400
C) 22000
D) 16800

1)The answer is D) 16
2)The answer is B) 154 minutes
3)The answer is C) 8 months
4)The answer is B) 174
5)The answer is C) 11/24

The winner of the last week aptitude corner is HEMACHANDRU J, EEE-2ND YR, A-BATCH.

Send your answers to the mail :


                   L.HEREN FLORA, 2 nd YEAR, ECE 

                   G. GOKILAVANI, 2 nd YEAR, CIVIL

                         K.KAVIYA, 3rd YEAR, EEE



                  H.ANUSHA, 2 nd YEAR, ECE

                 V.KAVITHA , 3 rd YEAR,  EEE

               R.RESHMA, 2nd YEAR, CIVIL


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