The first Internal assessment exams for odd semester( 3rd, 5th ,7th ) were completed  last week. 

    The Institution Innovation Council(IIC) of our college had conducted an online workshop for the final year students. The workshop was conducted on 19th August, about prototype validation based on converting a prototype into a start-up by R.Vasirajan, project manager of central silver plant, Karnataka and the assistant director of Khadi and village industries commission. The webinar was supervised by Dr.B.Rajesh Kanna sir, in charge of EDC and startup cell.
  Supreme court allows women to appear for NDA exams:

   Supreme Court has allowed women to appear for National Defense Academy (NDA) exam which is scheduled for September 5, 2021. Key Points SC had also slammed the Indian Army for not allowing women to take part in the NDA entrance exams and the Court had called the Army.
World Humanitarian Day 2021

    On 19th August 2003, a bomb attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq, killed 22 humanitarian aid workers, including the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello. Five years later, the General Assembly adopted a resolution designating 19th  August as World Humanitarian Day.
Each year, World Humanitarian Day focuses on a theme, bringing together partners from across the humanitarian system to advocate for the survival, well-being and dignity of people affected by crises, and for the safety and security of aid workers.
This year, we highlight the immediate human cost of the climate crisis by pressuring world leaders to take meaningful climate action for the world’s most vulnerable people.
"Climate emergency is a race we are losing, but it is a race we can win."

    “I'm good at exploring roofs. You never know when that kind of thing comes in useful.”
 Enid Mary Blyton, a highly popular author was born on August 11, 1897 in England. Her first book of poems, Child Whispers, was published in 1922. She had written about 600 books, most of which are for children. Her Famous FiveSecret Seven, Mystery series, Malory towers and Little Noddy series had made her a household name. Blyton came under some criticism that her characters were stereotyped and for her simplistic viewpoints. But despite all those black marks, her books still top the charts and had been translated into 90 languages. 
Enid Blyton still remains as an idol of children’s books, her words still alive in the dreams of many. Besides weaving magical worlds, she had also left us with many lessons, 'The best way to treat obstacles is to use them as stepping stones, laugh at them, tread on them, and let them lead you to something better'.
             A kind of equality into the game! 
   First and foremost, we have to clarify about our stand. Our stand doesn’t depend on any political party. It depends on the real welfare of common people. Recently, our state government appointed some Hindu people as priests in Tamilnadu temples. They also proposed about mantras in Tamil language. We don’t want you to bother about the language inclusions or the actions taken by our government. We want you to just watch the change it had brought so for. Some patterns in the world remain unchanged forever. But, activities like this will definitely make us examine all the pre-existing cliché patterns. Now, it’s clear. We don’t rely on anyone’s stand. We create a stand!!! 
 Let’s watch the change and bring influential differences!!!
  Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is basically a national examination on the comprehensive understanding of the candidates in their subject. Through GATE, candidates can seek admission or financial assistance for admission to the Master's programme and doctoral studies and can apply to public sector jobs.
Exam Level: National
Exam Duration: 3 Hours
Eligibility: All third year and final year students of UG, graduates of any government approved degree programme in engineering and technology.
Types of questions: General Aptitude and subject related questions.
No. Of. Questions: 65
·        10 General aptitude questions
·        55 Subject related questions

J.Jenifer Rosy, EEE III year
S.Janani, CSE III year

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