The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted ELECTERA'22, an intra-department technical symposium on 9th May, 2022. The event was organized at Murugappa Hall, with the honorable Chief Guest, Mr. S. Siddhartha Shankar (Sub – divisional Manager, SZBC, BSNL), an alumnus of our college and our beloved principal, Dr. P. K. Palani. Various events such as Paper Presentation, Project Contest, Circuitrix, Connexion, Technical Quiz,  decorated the symposium. The prizes were distributed to the winners at the valedictory function. The students were motivated to upgrade themselves through this technical symposium.


The second series test for the even semester was conducted from 11/05/2022 to 13/05/2022 for the second and third-year students. And from 18/05/2022 to 20/05/2022 for the first year students. The students wrote their exams in the respective classrooms allotted.



Tesla society’s visit to Technical symposium of Mount Zion – Pudukkottai (13th may) & Tanjore GCT’s National level symposium (11th may):

 EEE 2nd year students, the people of tesla society participated in the technical symposium organized by Mount Zion Pudukkottai & national level symposium of GCT Tanjore and stamped the print of achievement on it’s wall of fame by winning in every single event  by Mount Zion and unbeatable performance in a couple of technical events of GCT Tanjore leading to victory. Our fellow people were awarded with cash and other valuable prices. It was informed with pleasure that they were treated heart warmingly. Though achievements aren’t new for the soil of ACGCET, this adds up it’s own value.


The inter-college symposium for the mechanical department was held at Hindustan College of Engineering, Coimbatore on  13th May,2022. Our college students from 2nd  year, Mechanical department participated in this symposium. The technical events conducted in this symposium were Technical Quiz, Logo Sudoku Paper Presentation, Assemble and dismantling, CAD modelling and several non-technical activities were also conducted. Our students bagged seven prizes in this symposium in both Technical and non-technical events, and were awarded with cash prizes for paper presentation and CAD modelling. Our college feels proud of the students for exhibiting their hidden talents.

 Our 2nd  year Mechanical department students eagerly participated in the inter-college symposium held at Mount Zion Engineering College, Pudukkottai on 19th May,2022. The events organized during the symposium were Paper Presentation, Poster presentation, Lathe, CAD modelling and Technical Quiz. Among these, our students won 1st prize in paper presentation, second prize in quiz, 3rd prize in poster presentation, 2nd  and 3rd  prizes in lathe. Our college feels proud of the students and we heartily congratulate the students on their achievements and wish them great success in the future. 


The national level-college symposium, DHEERA’22, was conducted at the Government college of engineering, Srirangam. Many technical events like paper presentation, technical quiz, circuit debugging, code creation, digital designing and many more non-technical events were conducted. Students from about fifteen colleges participated in various events. Sushmitha S from the ECE department of our college participated and won second prize in the digital designing competition. Congratulations to the winner and other participants!


In the inter-college Symposium hosted by the Mother Teresa College of Engineering, Pudukkottai for Civil department, our college’s 3rd  year Civil department students gave their participation with a lot of enthusiasm. Among the various events conducted at the  symposium, the technical events were paper presentation, Poster presentation, AutoCAD, Connection, Plan designing along with a few exciting non-technical events. The students excelled in every competition and made our college feel proud by bagging the overall trophy. A big hats off to the winners and we wish them to reach greater heights in the future.


The Zoho Internship Drive was conducted on 16th May,2022 at our college for third year students. Around 200 students gave their participation. Among those, about 20 students were selected after three rounds of selection process. Congratulations and best wishes to the selected students.


The second year students from the civil department of our college went on an industrial visit to Pollachi and Ooty during 19th and 20th May,2022. They visited Aliyar dam, Pollachi. The students were explained about the working of the dams in various ways. They were instructed about the magnificent construction of the dam dated back to the year 1959, when it was opened. The opening of water in the dam was also explained. It caused the students to learn a lot about the dam. The students really enjoyed the trip and shared priceless memories together with their friends.


Our college YRC organization conducted coordinator selection for the second year students of all departments on 17th May,2022 in EEE third year classroom. The YRC students actively participated in the selection. The students were asked questions testing their personality and their service mind.


The ISTE (Indian Society of Technical Education) conducted coordinator selection for the second year students of all departments on 17th May,2022 in the EEE third year classroom. The students interested in the Technical domain participated eagerly. The students were asked questions about their personality and technical knowledge.



Web3 is an emerging technology that brings a new revolution in the storage of the server’s data. It mainly aims to save people’s data in a single domain as a blockchain rather than storing the data of the users with their specific ID’s on the server of individual companies. There’s a greater probability of this new technology bringing the older method of storage of data to the verge of extinction.


Bala Krishna RK, III year EEE

Yuva Prasath S,III year EEE

Sree Nithish R,III year EEE

Send your amazing arts and pics to along with your name, year and department.





