From the team,
We would like to thank all the readers who had taken time in reading our blog posts. We would like to announce that from the next week
ACCET news post would be published every Thursday.
Mail interview part 2
(Mr.Thirumalai Nambi (89-93)
Question: In your point of view , what are the things should an engineer have?
Unfortunately , in my view Engineering is one field that has much confusion on what it is actually . I came to this conclusion based on my personal experience and opinions formed from many with whom I have interacted as well as from internet readings .
If you search on the internet about"what is engineering" I bet you will find many definitions for the same question which means people, I mean , engineers themselves haven't come to a conclusion yet . I myself got clarity only recently, in 2011, when I had a deep thought about the term Engineering ,to simplify the same and take it to the students in Thiran .
Once you understand Engineering from this " Engineering is Providing or arriving at Solutions " then I am sure you will be excited or should I say "should" be excited as an engineering student.
So who is an Engineer ? Anyone who provides solutions can be an Engineer . 2 Cycle store people flew the first flight in USA (Wright brothers) and we all know that . But notice the qualifications of Wright brothers .They were only equivalent of 10+2 . Let me tell you what I shared in Thiran 2011 prize function .
Do you know who invented the Grinder ? which we use to prepare Dosai and Idli ? Unfortunately No ! This is the machine which So what were the Tamil Engineers doing ? I am sure they were eating idli and dosai .
ACCET is producing engineers since 1956 . Anna University (College of Engineering) was founded in 1794 ..yes 1794 and I am sure EEE department would have opened somewhere before 1960s . But none of the graduates gave a thought about this Grinding problem and worked towards a solution . Remember I guess most homes would have had the manual grinder and they would have seen someone (could be their mother, sister or servant ) doing hard labour on it. Have a pause and think about it . Why ? Why ? That explains the whole disconnect in what engineering education or Engineering is is all about .
Also have a thought or search the different Grinders that have come up
So if Engineering can be done by ordinary School drop outs then why Engineering as a study or B.E . Well we the engineers are supposed to understand the available Theories of how things work through Science and Maths. with that understanding and with the help of Mathematics we can design complex things and of high scale .
Let me stop here
To summarize , few points for your easy understanding
1. Engineering is nothing but problem solving
2. If we solve problems related to Humans' basic needs (House ,water ) etc then it is called Civil (human) Engineering
3. If we solve Manual efforts with mechanical parts then it is Mechanical engineering
4. If we use electricity to speed up Mechanical then it is Electrical
5. More control and automation through Electronics & Computer
So you are an Engineer, good & what problem are you going to Solve ?"
For part 1 interview
Guest article
Sowndarya (transferred to GCT Coimbatore from ACCET)
ECE department present 2nd year
Hi friends it feels good to be back.
1.“He, who fears he shall suffer, already suffers what he fears.”
2. “You are never too old to become younger!”
3.“If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?”
Yes PARADOX .Here comes another:
Suppose there is a town with just one male barber; and that every man in the town keeps himself clean-shaven: some by shaving themselves, some by attending the barber. It seems reasonable to imagine that the barber obeys the following rule: He shaves all and only those men in town who do not shave themselves. Under this scenario, we can ask the following question: Does the barber shave himself? Asking this, however, we discover that the situation presented is in fact impossible:
- If the barber does not shave himself, he must abide by the rule and shave himself. - If he does shave himself, according to the rule he will not shave himself.
Life by itself is a paradox.isn't it?"
Accet news wishes "Baja team of ACCET "who are about to start their success journey towards INDORE
for their final event.
Fact file
Many of us are familiar with C programming which is the basic for other languages..
D Language:
In 2001 appeared a new language D(disambiguation).Its an object oriented,imperative,multi paradigm system programming language.Its called as re-engineering of
C++.(i.e some core c++ features have been redesigned and also from other notable languages like Java,Phython,Ruby,Effiel)...A new product if coming to this field literally mean that its just the advancement of previous one.Idiomatic D code is as fast as equivalent c++ code.
Many features like bound checking,design by contract and
also aware type system software reduce the occurance of bugs..
1.Research work for computer graphics.
2.Implementation of web services
3.Client server applications
4.Bio informatics is a very level headed approach to tradeoffs and recognize the principle of diminishing returns.
Though it's not applied in real world many tests has been made for this.This language can make a tremendous change since its a clubbing of all languages...
Word pun
bowl A dish or to throw a ball?
In Old English, bolla meant bowl, from earlier Anglo-Saxon bollo.. In later Middle English,bolle meant globe or bowl. Our word ball comes from the later 13th century Old Norse böllr,which comes from Latin bulla, a knob.
Bowl meaning to throw a ball did not come into English until the 15th century, from Frenchboule, but the word boule was already used in Middle English for a bowl in the sense of dish.
Club activities
Clicks corner
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Subbulakshmi 2nd year EEE Got interesting clicks or articles Mail it to |
News team:
Ragav N
Deepalakshmi A.R.
Mathuravani N.
Henitha A.
Sivaranjani K.
Pradeep Kanna R.
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