Team ACCET(INVINCIBLES) won the 6th place in the Asia level solar car championship held at Ambala(Haryana).Also the team came first in Tamil Nadu level.ACCET was the only government college to have participated in the event.
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From the spot |
For part I refer:
5.Did placements scared you in your college days?
6.Did your four year engineering really helped you in your work
(Other than the degree part)
7.Your voice for juniors mam?
A few words please
5. Placements did scare me a lot. I was gambling my whole life on those very few opportunities. I prepared with everything I had to get through the first major company that visited. Thats not to say I didn't have a plan B. Eventually it turned out to be THE plan for my future.
6. Yes it did. It helped me to realize which field within my chosen stream (electronics) that I liked the most. In my case it was integrated circuit design that fascinated me the most. So I was able to choose my Masters field of research accordingly.
7. My advice regarding engineering would be not to study off a local author in exam-point-of-view. Even though it might score a good GPA it won't help you gain knowledge. Never be satisfied with just being able to mug up. Try to be focused on understanding the concepts and facts. If I am allowed to give advice about future in general, I would say 'dream big' but at the same time don't get hooked on just one idea of the future. Always have a plan B and always be ready to make compromises while keeping in mind that you always come out as the winner at the end.
5. Placements did scare me a lot. I was gambling my whole life on those very few opportunities. I prepared with everything I had to get through the first major company that visited. Thats not to say I didn't have a plan B. Eventually it turned out to be THE plan for my future.
6. Yes it did. It helped me to realize which field within my chosen stream (electronics) that I liked the most. In my case it was integrated circuit design that fascinated me the most. So I was able to choose my Masters field of research accordingly.
7. My advice regarding engineering would be not to study off a local author in exam-point-of-view. Even though it might score a good GPA it won't help you gain knowledge. Never be satisfied with just being able to mug up. Try to be focused on understanding the concepts and facts. If I am allowed to give advice about future in general, I would say 'dream big' but at the same time don't get hooked on just one idea of the future. Always have a plan B and always be ready to make compromises while keeping in mind that you always come out as the winner at the end.
A special service camp is being organised by NSS association which will serve at nearby villages around karaikudi. Selected students from second years will make their valuable services. The camp is from 26.03.2015- 1.04.2015 as told by the association.
'Vidiyal'- Muthamizh Mandram of ACCET will be organising a mega event 'Vidiyal' on 30.3.15. (monday). This will light up with several events like Rangoli competition, Mime show, dances on special 'Tamil culture' themes, Debate and much more spot events.
Every year survey camp will be conducted in our college for 3rd years.This time it was held at Pilayarpatti.It was organized by Mr.A.Dharanidharan and Ms.C.Vijaya Prabha of Civil department.Though the students suffered a lot of difficulties in surveying that area,it was a great experience for them.They attempted on different types of levelling.From that they had a nice experience in their field..On the whole it can said that "Students spent their Precise time for their Passion"
Each and every day hundreds and hundreds of apps are created.To create such an app there is an open source software Apache cardova.
Apache cardova is an application program foundation which was established in October 2012 as top level project within Apache software foundation(ASF).
It will always remain free and open source under the apache license, version 2.0.Apache cardova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML,CSS and JavaScript.The advantage is that web technologies are used,they are hosted in the app itself locally rather than using any native code such as java,objective-C etc.,
They are still packaged as apps using platform SDK and can be made available from each device's app store.JavaScript API are consistent across multiple device platforms and built on web standards,the application should be portable to other device platforms with minimal no changes.Apache cardova is available for suitable platforms such as iOS,Android,Blackberry, Windows Phone,Palm webOS,Bada and Symbian.This app is useful for those who are interested in mobile app development.
High jump
1st -I year
2nd -IV year
400 m
1st IV-year
2nd III-year
3rd II-year
5000 m
1st IV-year
2nd -IV year
3rd- III year
Short put
1st II-year
2nd IV- year
3rd III- year
10000 M
1st -IV year
2nd- IV year
3rd- II year
Javelin throw
2nd -ME
3rd -IV year
A step towards full time power availability:
When summer arrives, there is usually a guest with it – power cut. Sometimes it lasts from 2-4 hours to 10-12 hours. But this problem may not affect EEE department of IIT-M . Yes, there they use DC power supply, instead of AC which is common world wide. Solar power generated through photovoltaic cells are DC which are stored in and extracted out from batteries as DC. But for grid based homes this has to be converted to AC to get synchronised with the AC based grids. Even if the homes are not grid based the appliances we use are connected to AC sockets which is converted to DC by adapter like things to operate the DC appliances. So, the conversion of AC-DC and DC-AC will result in power loss of about 10-15 % for each conversion. To get rid of this Prof.Ashok Jhunjhunwala and Bhaskar Ramamoorthy, Director of IIT-M have designed a method in which the solar power generated is given to a 48 V DC line by a battery to operate the DC appliances directly. So, there will be no conversions and no power loss. They are now working on implementing this everywhere by a method called ‘Brown out method’.
Frenetic (fre·net·ic) adj Fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way: “A frenetic ride on the snowboard.”
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