Placement fever
Zoho corporation, co- founded by one of our alumni Mr.Kumar Vembu (86-90).comes to our college every year . This year it recruited 12 students among which 7 students got placed and the rest got a chance to do their internship there. Apart from these people two more students have to attend their final round at Chennai.
The other people who missed their chance are waiting to prove themselves in Go-Frugal this friday.
Freshers Admission :
In a world that already has plenty of business buzzwords and phrases, a new one has now been coined - "disruptive talent".What’s that disruptive talent?
Zoho corporation, co- founded by one of our alumni Mr.Kumar Vembu (86-90).comes to our college every year . This year it recruited 12 students among which 7 students got placed and the rest got a chance to do their internship there. Apart from these people two more students have to attend their final round at Chennai.
The other people who missed their chance are waiting to prove themselves in Go-Frugal this friday.
Thiran kick off:
Thiran 2015 has begun already .Kick off function of Thiran is scheduled coming Saturday (25.7.15).With the new web app for Thiran has made registrations much easier.
1st year students stepped into ACCET with lot of dreams. Admission was held on 20.07.15 for EEE and MECH branch and on 21.07.15 for CIVIL, ECE and CSE branches.Students of our college engaged themselves in helping the candidates during admission.
Coordinators of Freshers association club helped the students in this regard.

Coordinators of Freshers association club helped the students in this regard.
Orientation program was conducted for freshers and their parents on 22.07.15.
Student of the year 2015:
Best outgoing student of the year 2015 had been awarded to S.Manikandan of Mechanical department. He gave a talk about his college life which inspired the freshers.
Student of the year 2015:
Best outgoing student of the year 2015 had been awarded to S.Manikandan of Mechanical department. He gave a talk about his college life which inspired the freshers.
Special correspondent:
A silver jubilee of our ACCET named Balamurugan Skyped a gathering of pupils with an intention of providing some initiative to pupil of ACCET regarding the civil services examination. He currently holds an IRS officer position,was graduated from ACCET as an Electrical engineer in 1990 batch. He explained the students regarding the UPSC procedure the Eliminatory test and tests further. He even acknowledged students with the selection process of UPSC and Tamil Nadu quota within it. Concluding the meeting was an trigger to the IAS aspirants on the rainy evening of Thursday dated 16th of July.
Disruptive talent:
In a world that already has plenty of business buzzwords and phrases, a new one has now been coined - "disruptive talent".What’s that disruptive talent?
A person with disruptive talent has a multitude of positive attributes that they can bring to a business. These individuals “think and act differently, innovate, challenge conventional wisdom, spot trends, see commercial opportunities, and tenaciously find ways to achieve success” People with such an attitude need not to be worried, in fact they don’t get worried. The fact is that such people should be Identified and uplifted.
Here is an example of such a ‘disruptive talent’-Sir Richard Branson, an English Business man & Inventor; best known as the founder of virgin group, which comprises more than 400 companies. Sir Richard Branson, who has an estimated net worth of £3bn ($4.5bn) has certainly thrived running his own businesses. He says: "I think anyone who sets up a business is to an extent a disruptive individual, because starting a business is simply someone thinking 'I can do it better than anybody else, and I know how to do it'."For that idea to succeed you have to be doing it in a disruptive way, otherwise you're just doing the same as everyone else and you are going to fail."When I came up with the idea of starting my airline and space company, people gave me every reason why I shouldn't do it. In the end you have to be a leader, you have to give it a go."
Hope this would have been a eye-opener for entrepreneurs at ACCET. Have a try and let it go !
The alumni batch of 86-90 are coming back to our ACCET campus for their silver jubilee celebrations. On this occasion they are organizing a grand function on 1st August followed by a sumptuous dinner for all students .
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