The I-day at ACCET:

Our college "ACCET" celebrated the independence day  in a grand manner.The Principal of ACCET addressed the gathering and  hoisted the national  flag. NCC members of ACCET performed a parade with great coordination and pride!!
Ncc troop of ACCET
Muthamizh mandram :

Muthamizh Mandram of ACCET will be having its inaugural function soon   .For adding cream to the cake, they are conducting a debate on recent interesting social issues, short stories, poems, Mime, essays, Mono act,a special Oratorical contest, Short film and Traditional songs.

Interested Accetians can attend the event and the shortlisted candidates would be sent to ‘PAYINTHAMIZH VIZHA’, a great Tamil festival at GCT, Coimbatore.                   .
Last date for submission of Short stories is 26.08.2015. For other contests topic will be given on the spot.

Smell your surrounding!
(Special article )

What is knowledge? It’s not a thing that we get from our books or others. It is obtained only by experiencing. These experiences come from our surroundings. Only thing that we have to do is to observe  our surroundings and learn from it. Such a kind of thing we missed in our college is the triode in ECE department. In 'A' block on the way to first floor there is a triode which is often mistaken to be a lamp by most of the students .
Triode terminals
Air cooled power triode at ACCET
Now what is a triode????  It is a  type of vaccum tube .The triode was the first electronic amplification device and the ancestor of other types of vacuum tubes such as the tetrode and pentode.Triodes were widely used in consumer electronic devices such as radios and televisions until the 1970s, when transistors replaced them. Today, their use is in high-power RF amplifiers in radio transmitters and industrial RF heating devices. So start observing and enjoy learning.

Cartoonished :


 The Rotary came up in action(Rotaract) from 17th of August for the 8th installation of Rotaract club. This is the eighth successful Kick off for the Rotaract Club of ACCET (ROCA) accompanied with accession of ROCA leader and members for the academic year 2015-2016.
President Mr.Shivram(Final year ECE) 
The function was enriched with the presence of many other Rotary members and ROCA buds. The Rotary members speech enlightened the gathering about Rotary and ROCA's early days. Earlier prior to the installation  27 rare species of trees across the campus implying them for 27  zodiac stars were planted .
Saplings being donated by ROCA

DIY  articles which are published in our news are with the view of making the readers to try it by getting their hands dirty.A recent DIY regarding solar pump was published

Related topic was featured in an article in 'THE HINDU'

Accet music club:

Auditions  were conducted for first and second years by the ACCET music club and new set of singers were selected .Instrumentalist selections are to be conducted next Wednesday .


An aptitude cracking session was conducted yesterday for the third years by the ISTE club of our college.The session is  continued in the facebook page of ISTE.
