Its a holiday and you wouldn't have access to soldering rods and all those stuff .So,here's a simple model to start recording your cycling adventures .
Apparatus required :
1.A bicycle
2.A camera
3.A bolt and nut
4.An old plastic frame
5.Engineer grade sellotape
Procedure :
1.Every digital camera will have a provision to mount it over a stand .
2.Use a bolt and nut arrangement to mount it on a cycle handle bar .
3.Make a plastic frame for extra reinforcements and cover up using engineer grade sellotape (you can get that from any hardware shop around )
4.Once all set , you are ready to hit the roads .Double check the arrangements if the camera isn't your own (hah!!)
5.Once you have achieved success with the above model .Try this one too
All you need for your android phone to be converted as a GPS device is an old plastic frame and a bicycle.
Caution : The on road feasibility of the above two models have not been tested .Try it and share us your experience.Let's break a few gadgets and learn engineering !!
Source :Internet
Illustrations : Pradeep(III year EEE)
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